October 19, 2006


PRESENT: Sherrie Cottrell, Rich Hill, Pastor Bill, John Machonis, Amy Johnson, JoAnne Gregorash, Marianne Rogenski,  Nona Schlinker, Mike Wojtal, Shirley McDaniel, Jerry McDaniel, Marshall Nystrom, Jill Wood-Naatz, Jim Gurga, Glen Hollingsworth and Carolyn Meneely.


OPENING Prayer and Devotions:

Opening Prayer given by Pastor Bill as part of EMC Leadership talk

Devotions:  JoAnne Gregorash gave the devotion about how to work for peace as individuals from ORUMC.  She told the story of a grandmotherŐs gift of unconditional love.  The grandmother was widowed and left behind after her husbandŐs death.  She learned that being left behind was not a punishment, but a gift from God.  We must live love on earth, not after, and we must respond to anger by returning it wrapped in love.  (Based on Psalm 119)


ADMINISTRATION:  Introductions and Approval of September 28, 2006 minutes.  Nona made addition that there are also 5 part-time students at ChildrenŐs Corner.  JoAnne made the motion as corrected and Nona seconded to approve the minutes with change.


HUDDLE (Business of the Church)

Third Church Service:  Marianne reported the next meeting will be Thursday Oct. 26 at 7:30.

Natural Church Development (NCD): Sherrie and Carolyn reported that they have identified key needs that include: young families – especially dual income families; exploring diversity issues including religious & ethnic differences, and youth activities like Voices of Light (Godspell).  They are working to identify a Director of Communication, and to recruit others to help with development of the needs based efforts.

Review of Goals: Sherrie has received Committee Goals from Worship, Music, Trustees, UMW, CCCC, & Finance.  Rich and Pastor Bill developed a draft of Church Goals for 2007 (see attached)  Discussion followed:
Third Worship Service – Three pilot services will possibly be done in the spring to test ideas and procedures.  The dates will be determined well in advance.  Holding pilot services will be risky, since the services will likely be rough, not fine tuned, and may turn some worshippers off.  Glen commented that they should be tied to the Youth programs, and that it would be good to visit a church(es) currently providing similar services to get ideas.  After much discussion about how to accurately evaluate success and the difficulty of setting a goal for number of worshippers, the attendance goal was set at approximately 35.




Receive & engage 20 new families – Discussion centered on how to engage new members in ministries (at least 1) to help build relationships within the congregation.  The orientation classes goal will be 4 per year (approx. 1 per quarter), not 6.  Shirley said she has been tracking visitors and new members for several years.  Although some have already moved away, if they have stayed, they have been active   CarolynŐs new position will involve working on these goals with the objective to build relationships and engage members.

Re-engage 25 existing members – Service project goals will be: for ASP, maintained at 42 people; for New Orleans, doubled to 16 people.  Music participation goal for increasing should be concentrated on new 3rd service.  When talking with members about why they are not participating, we need to be sensitive in asking why.  People may not open up with reasons or be willing to give feedback about why they want to leave.  Jerry pointed out the need to clarify what kind of member is targeted to be re-engaged – those who have not been here for 1 year or more and/or those who worship but are not participating in committees or ministries.  Glen said we must reach out to both groups.

Church Goals will be finalized and presented at Charge Conference on November 9th.


Web Page & Calendar Review:  Jerry reported that the calendar updates are due.  Newsletter deadline is today. 


New Business

            -  Marshall Nystrom – Ideas/Projects from WTTF -- Web page report – Marshall said the statistics & photos for the video of activities for Celebration Sunday need to be submitted by this weekend, Oct 22.  He presented the wish list of equipment & materials that WTTF would like to have.  (See attached)



PastorŐs report:  No report.


Committee reports:

NARTHEX:  Jill reported they met last week.  They have draft drawings done by Mary Zalay.  The next step is to meet with a carpenter for advice and quote on building.  They are looking at the whole narthex, including hallways, bulletin boards, etc.  Plans will be approved by Trustees.  Since funds are not part of regular budget, they  will be from Memorial Gifts or from special fundraising efforts.

FINANCE: John reported that giving is down 9% (See attached report). 

STAFF PARISH:  Pastor Bill reported that they have submitted new budget for 2007.  It includes plans for possible new staff.


STEWARDSHIP:  Pastor Bill reported that October 29th is the Celebration Luncheon and plans are being finalized.



TRUSTEES: Jim Gurga reported that they are in discussions with T-Mobile about additional cell equipment in the cell cross, along with equipment to be installed on the grounds on the north side of the sanctuary.  Estimated income should be approx. $500 per month for 5 years, renewable for 30 years.  Jim also suggested that T-Mobile build a 3 car garage as part of the payment, but was not hopeful that they would agree. 

Parking lot cracks will be sealed soon, before cold weather.

Parsonage will be inspected, and needed repairs will be scheduled.  This is necessary to protect our investment.  Schedule for maintenance items like the furnace etc. will be implemented.

NOMINATIONS:  Pastor Bill reported that they will meet on Oct. 24.

UMW:  Next meeting October 21st and they will be making sewing kits for UMCOR.

UMM:  Marshall Nystrom reported MenŐs Retreat will be Oct 27 – 28.  The men will be selling pizzas in November.

EVANGELISM:  Pastor Bill reported that 5 families became members on Oct. 1st and 15th.

EDUCATION:  Amy Johnson reported they still need a co-chair for the committee. 

MUSIC:  No report.

WORSHIP:  Jill reported the Thanksgiving service will be a joint community service with Our SaviorŐs and Roselle UMC.  It will include a choir made up of all three churches; Pastor Bill will preach; the service will be at Our Saviors at 7:30 pm on Tues Nov 21.  Please come & worship.

The committee would like feedback about changes in the praise service with Sounds of Grace.

YOUTH:    Marianne reported that Linda Nordli will be chair of Youth Council.

They are applying for 42 spots for ASP and hope to take 15-20 to New Orleans.  ASP is June 9-26, 2007.  Cathy Mottar is in the process of getting the word out about the ski trip which will be Jan. 12 – 14th.  This is for Jr. and Sr. high students.

LAY LEADER:  No report.



FAMILY MINISTRY:  Amy Johnson reported that apple picking was fun but had a small turnout.  Advent Festival will be Sun Nov 26.

CHRISTIAN CORNER:  Mike Wojtal reported that they are updating the student form.  The inventory of keys to the building entrances is being updated by Trustees for the childrenŐs safety.


Next Ad Council Meeting will be Church Conference Nov. 9th 7:00 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned with a prayer by Pastor Bill.