Our RedeemerŐs United Methodist



November 17, 2007


PRESENT: Rev. Oscar N. Carrasco – District Superintendent, Elgin District, Pastor Bill, Sherrie Cottrell, Rich Hill, John and Edie Machonis, JoAnne Gregorash, Marianne Rogenski,  Shirley and Jerry McDaniel, Marshall Nystrom, Jill Wood-Naatz, Jim Naatz, Carol and Glen Hollingsworth, Steve Miller, Jaime Addams-Montgomery, Fred Utne, Shirley Odegaard, Mary Zalay, Dann Gire,  Carolyn and Doug Meneely, Donna Echtner, Ivan Gomes, Carl Jeziorski, Fred Fleski and Cathy Mottar


Church Charge Conference began with a prayer by JoAnne Gregorash.  The meeting followed the 2007 Church Conference Agenda and packet that you can access in the church office for your reference.


Reflection on a video/story was provided by Rev. Oscar N. Carrasco – Shared a story of how faith and prayer leads us (the church) into the future.  The clergy needs to be bi-lingual within the next 10 years as the world is coming to us.  Bring together the divine and the reality of the human world – Initiative of Harvest 2020.  We are being called to the passions of worship, devotion, compassion and work for justice.


Prayer of Confession – Read the prayer together.


Meeting was called to order:


Reports from Those Who Have Planted and Watered:

A. Staff-Parish Relations Committee reported by Dann Gire:  Presented proposed salary package of $43,191 (Salary increase of $100) for the pastor.  The committee recommended a 4% increase; however, the pastor would only accept the increase above.   Rev. Oscar Carrasco made a motion to accept the recommendations and it was seconded by John Machonis and approved by the attendees.  In addition, the $2,000 for the Housing Exclusion from the compensation form was also discussed, Rev. Oscar Carrasco made a motion to accept the Housing Exclusion recommendation and it was seconded by JoAnne Gregorash and approved by the attendees. 


Recommended for Ordained Ministry, Ministry and Lay Speakers -- The attendees reviewed the recommendation as in the meeting packet referenced previously and added that Luke Pepper is exploring to be a candidate for ordained ministry.  Pastor Bill made the motion for this recommendation be passed.  Jaime Addams-Montgomery seconded the motion and all were in favor.  The vote is for this church to commit our support throughout his journey.


Recognized lay speakers that were at the meeting:  JoAnne, Doug, Marshall and Marianne – Encouraged by all in attendance (No one was opposed)


B. Stewardship and Finance Report  Reported by John Machonis -- The attendees reviewed the report as in the packet which included the proposed balanced budget for 2008.  John said that we are collecting budgeted income at 97%.  Reviewed Stewardship campaign – There was 59 units that increased their pledges.


C.  Membership Committee Sherrie Cottrell reported -- The attendees reviewed and accepted the membership roll in the packet.  It was agreed that inactive members can be removed in the second year of appearing on the list as opposed to the 3 years discussed in the attached document.  Noted a modification to the list to remove Brian Peterson will be incorporated.  Sherrie made a motion to remove the 145 names that have been read for the 2nd time and seconded by Carol Hollingsworth.  We vote prayerfully that they will find another church community.  These people are welcome at anytime to return as members by speaking with the pastor.


D.  Board of Trustees reported by Fred Fleski – The trustees presented their update since the last charge conference listing the accomplishments:

1.    Have maintained the parsonage as per the packet

2.    Updated fire protection within the church


Rev. Oscar expressed his appreciation and warm welcoming feeling of our building.  The deeds are located in the safety deposit box at our bank.


PastorŐs Report -- The attendees reviewed the report as in the packet.  He also said that he would like to be here 9 more years.  As we are exploring new worship styles.


Fred added that it is an honor for us to have Pastor Bill as our pastor and everyone applauded.


Lay Leadership Development Report -- The attendees reviewed the report as in the packet.  There were no additional recommendations for 2010.  Rev. Oscar Carrasco provided a motion and John Machonis seconded. This document should be perfected in our next council meeting.   


Pastor Bill requested that we review the staff goals as well as the committee goals (there are just a few to be added for our council meetings).  These are listed in the packet as well.


The meeting was concluded with a prayer by Rev. Oscar Carrasco.


Next Ad Council Meeting will be held on January 17th at 7:15 p.m.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Cathy Mottar.